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What Caused my Disease,
and where is the Successful Path Back to Health?

By Dr. Ronald P Drucker


Suspected Sequence of Events Leading to Autoimmune and Digestive Disease.


If we are permitted to acknowledge the Cause of our disease, then not only can we see what to further avoid, but also we can see more clearly the return path to Health: Total Body, Cellular, and Multiple System Restoration


Overview: Shining a little light on disease Causes.


Although “modern medicine” is more often then not inclined to conveniently attribute “unknown” disease Causes to assumed and elusive “genetic predispositions” of the patient, the incoming reports which we receive ongoing, repeatedly illustrate sequential event and trigger patterns indicating causes to the contrary. The analysis of these repeated patterns, in conjunction with volumes of existing scientific research, paint an insightful picture of disease causes in general, for those who can afford to acknowledge that picture.


As a result, we are of the opinion that most autoimmune diseases are Triggered by the traumatic suppression of healthy immune system response. Once immunity is compromised by these triggers, bacterial, fungal, parasitic, viral, and/or yeast infections or infestations may take hold, (usually in the digestive tract initially) causing further deteriorating health conditions in virtually every system of the body. We are also of the opinion that Resistance to the devastation of these immune suppressing triggers, may be compromised by a weakened physiological environment, encumbered by stress, and in some cases poor nutrition and/or assimilation.


Note: 4 of the following 5 triggers are a direct causes of the pharmaceutical / medical system. Curiously, 9 out of 10 diseases known to man are classified by “the system” as “incurable” with causes “unknown.” Should the system possess financial liability issues in regard to the acknowledgement of causes, how then, given bureaucratic predicament, can sincere focus ever be achieved in the “pursuit of cures?” Fortunately, we do not need the present medical bureaucratic nightmare to heal.



The Physiological Malfunction: Immune System, and subsequent Digestive System, Failure


Suspected System Failure Triggers: (any one or combination of any)


1. Toxic drug induced (including allergic reaction to drugs)


2. Use of Antibiotics without Primary Systems restoration support


3. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs)

NSAIDs include Advil, Bextra, Celebrex, Vioxx, Mobic, Naprosyn, and others. These medications can cause intestinal inflammation and mucosal cell erosion. This then leads to further intestinal permeability. According the FDA, over 200,000 people develop serious gastric bleeding and 10,000-20,000 people die every year from NSAIDs.


4. Surgery induced (physical trauma)


5. Accident induced (physical trauma)



Suspected System Weakening Contributors:


1. Chronic emotional and/or physiological stress


2. Physical exhaustion and/or poor nutrition or assimilation.



Suspected Sequential Events: (Order of Events and System Failures may at times occur in simultaneous and/or different orders then illustrated.)


Trigger Induced, Proper Immune Function Suppression.

Digestive Tract Immune Support Fails

Disruption of the healthy intestinal environment occurs. (Dysbiosis)

Digression of assimilation of nutrients into the bloodstream

Bacterial, fungal, parasitic, viral, and/or yeast infections or infestations begin to manifest


Initial symptoms associated with negative infestations may include but are not limited to: constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal pain, bloating, excess gas, indigestion, skin rashes, bladder spasms and infections, ear infections, sinus infections, rectal itching, itchy ears or nose, sugar or starch cravings, white tongue, toe or fingernail infections, jock itch, vaginal yeast infections, intestinal permeability, increased body odor, PMS, asthma, depression, and chronic fatigue.

Mucosal Protective Lining Defense Fails


Yeasts can change into an invasive mycellial fungus with rhizoids (tentacle-like projections) that penetrate the protective mucosal lining of the intestinal tract.

Fungus and negative bacteria invade the intestinal wall causing permeability. (“leaky-gut”)


Intestinal permeability or “leaky gut,” is first caused by damage and the eventual breakdown of the intestinal mucosa protective lining. Subsequently the damage proceeds to the lining of the digestive tract, which becomes permeable and leaks undigested food molecules, proteins, and toxins (antigens) that may cause chronic inflammation. Intestinal permeability is associated with such illnesses as: Ankylosing Spondylitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Food allergies, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Eczema, Chronic Fatigue, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diverticulitis, Cystic Fibrosis, Chronic Hepatitis, and an entire list of autoimmune diseases.

The resulting Digestive Failure further cripples the Immune System.

Autoimmune Response & Inflammation Begin. (self-attacking-self)


The failure of the immune system to recognize the bodies constituent parts as self, allows an immune response (attack) against its own cells and tissues culminating in autoimmune disease.

Fungus, Negative Agents, and Antigens Trigger Multiple System Failures


Gastrointestinal problems: Bloating, excess gas, diarrhea, abdominal pain, gastritis, gastric ulcers, constipation, and many others. Enzyme destruction: Enzymes are the key to breaking down foods in the body so that they can be utilized as nourishment. Fatigue is extremely common as impaired metabolism doesn't enable the body to get enough fuel and impaired enzyme functioning inhibits energy production. Weight gain is common, although when chronic diarrhea is present, unwanted weight loss can be life threatening.


Respiratory system: sore throat, sore mouth, contribution to sinus infections, bronchial infections and pneumonia


Cardiovascular system: palpitations, rapid pulse rate, pounding heart


Genitourinary system: vaginitis, frequent urination, lack of bladder control, itchy rashes


Musculoskeletal system: muscle weakness, joint pain, leg pains, muscle aches and stiffness, slow coordination


Central Nervous system: headaches, poor brain function, poor short-term memory, fuzzy thinking


Adrenal System: abnormal hormone response


Immune System: autoimmune and allergic reactions

Failure of assimilation of nutrients into the bloodstream intensifies


Penetration by fungus and the resulting intestinal permeability cause a disruption in the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream, and finally nutritional deficiencies on the cellular level. Deficient cellular nutrient leads to reduced immunity, premature cellular aging, and further weakening of the body’s defense systems. This can lead to fatigue, allergies, decreased immunity, chemical sensitivities, depression, poor memory, and digestive complaints and many other conditions.

Liver and Adrenals Struggle (subsequent hypersensitivity)


These conditions can set the stage for environmental sensitivities. As the liver and adrenal glands become chronically overwhelmed, tolerance to the fumes of certain environmental chemicals is reduced: gasoline, diesel, other petrochemicals, formaldehyde, perfumes, cleaning fluids, insecticides, tobacco, pesticides, household cleaners, and potentially many other triggers not listed here. The liver is the principle organ responsible for detoxification. When functioning properly, the liver filters two quarts of blood every minute, removing unwanted toxins and bacteria. The liver also secretes a quart of bile each day. Bile is necessary for fat dissolution. An optimally functioning detoxification system is necessary for providing good health and preventing disease. Many diseases, including Cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other chronic age-related conditions are linked to a weakened detoxification system. It can also contribute to allergic disorders, asthma, hives, psoriasis, and eczema and is associated with CFS, FMS, depression, and systemic candidiasis.

Chronic Inflammation and “Host Toxicity” Proliferates


Toxins from microorganisms and undigested food molecules (antigens) enter the blood stream & body cavities. Antigens set up residence in cells and bodily tissues and are recognized as foreign invaders. Intestinal permeability allows antigens to leak out of the digestive tract and into the bloodstream. This triggers an autoimmune reaction and can create pain and inflammation in any of the body’s tissues. Pain and inflammation can occur anywhere unprocessed proteins are deposited, including muscles, tissues, joints, and organs. (nearly everywhere)

Antigens trigger complex allergic reactions


Allergic reactions can manifest in a variety of symptoms: fatigue, brain fog, depression, joint and muscle pain, digestive disorders, headache, rash, breathing problems, inflammation of the: nose, throat, ears, bladder, and intestinal tract, can lead to infections of the sinus, respiratory, ear, bladder and intestinal membranes. In an attempt to arrest these infections, doctors might prescribe a broad spectrum antibiotic. Such antibiotics promote yeast and fungal overgrowth and often times, additional symptoms.


Facts: At any juncture in the line of sequential events, allopathic disease treatment (the treatment of symptoms via drugs) may, and most often times does, exacerbate the overall deteriorative environmental state. Many times these toxic synthetic chemical compounds directly cause disease, and/or function as triggers in the promotion of disease. The overwhelming majority of these substances cause short and long term cellular damage to varying degrees, without addressing root causes of disease. In reality, virtually every drug, if taken long enough, will cause the very disease for which it was prescribed and potentially much more.


The Solution:


You will be astounded to learn that the solution to unwinding the cascading disaster above, is not complicated. It is actually very simple. The reason it is so simple is that we are not going to attempt to separately "fix" any malfunction. We are going to ALLOW the Immune System to solve ALL the issues and imbalances from within, on its own.

Profoundly, as we feed the body a concentration of precisely what immunity requires; Immune Modulating Components, balance and accuracy returns to immune function, and AUTOIMMUNITY, the driving force behind over 100 of the most common degenerative diseases, is progressively eliminated.

As accuracy returns to the immune killer cells, the inaccurate tissue attacking mode of AUTOIMMUNITY is progressively eliminated. The immune system stops attacking the tissues of the body, and returns to the Protecting, Healing, and Defending mode as designed.

Because the Immune System orchestrates the entire Digestive Ecosystem, as proper Immune Function is restored, so too is proper Digestive Function. These are The Two Primary Systems of the body. The Immune and Digestive Systems work together to balance, to restore, defend, and heal every other System, organ, tissue, and cell of the body, right down to the bone marrow. This is the way the body has been designed. We simply go WITH the design, feeding and restoring The Immune System, and then we get out of the way allowing the Immune System to do what it is designed to do; Heal and defend every cell in the body.

I have utilized and proven this simple healing process several thousand times over in the last 21+ years, and be more than certain that the disease industry wants Nothing to do with it.

Eventually, the public will come to understand that these conditions can be easily overcome by simply feeding the immune system, and restoring balanced immune function.

The bottom line is this: If you have autoimmune conditions, you can feed your immune system and normalize proper function with specific Immune Modulating Components, thus allowing immunity to eliminate your autoimmune driven conditions. If you are not restoring proper immune function, you are suffering and declining for no good reason.

The Best of health to you and your loved ones, Dr. Ronald P. Drucker Heal@DrRonDrucker.com